I'm not fat, I'm just fluffy!

I saw that on a shirt while shopping in the US, and I thought it would be perfect for our little Emma, but it was too small!
She's gotten a bit plump lately, I noticed after we got back from our vacation, she has been eating her dry dog food almost 3 times a day! I've had to fill up her dispenser twice already in one month, and usually I only fill it once every couple of months. Since she was a tiny puppy, we have left her food out so she could eat whenever she wanted. She used to hate eating her dry kibble and would eat it as a last resort. While we were on vacation, she stayed at my parent's house and I think she felt threatened that there was another dog (Nikka) staying there. "That other dog's going to eat all my food! I better get to it first!"
Sooo...my plan is to feed her really tasty food so she will go back to thinking her dry food tastes yucky. It's working so far! I'm feeding her 1 tray of wet dog food a day, and I've only seen her eating her dry dog food once (in 2 days) so far. She even feels thinner and is more energetic!
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